A Welcome Message


Welcome to BFA Ministries. We are excited to take you on a life-changing journey and the Lord has cleared us for takeoff. 

Come as you are. Check us out, but more importantly, seek the truth of God that can only be discovered through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As you browse around, you’ll see we are very much a family committed to following Him.  That means we worship Him with passion and joy; love people unconditionally and with compassion; and encourage others to encounter Him in a life transforming way.

To fully understand and experience the heart of our ministry, we invite you to connect with us through any of our HUBS and allow us to walk with you on your journey with Christ.

With Love,

Dave, Cathy, Glenna, Nicky & Lisa

Group Shot

Isaiah 61:2-3

“…to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”

It's all about you

A Program
Designed For You

BFA (Building Foundations for Advancement) Ministries Limited is an apostolic-prophetic movement that facilitates reconciliation, rebuilds foundations and empowers lives for the transformation of nations. We represent the heart of our Father by operating as a centralised hub that teaches, trains, equips and mobilises people for impact in Jamaica and the Caribbean.







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Ongoing Events

Monthly Saturday Morning Prayer

At 7:30am  

First Saturday of every month unless otherwise indicated


Monthly Encounter with God

 (Face to Face)

Last Sunday of every month unless otherwise indicated 

Need Prayer?

Visit our Prayer wall. Our prayer warriors are ready to intercede on your behalf! 

What People Are Saying
About Us

Since joining the BFA community in 2011, 10 years ago, BFA has become an integral and transformational part of my life,     in so many ways. My Christian foundation has been solidified, I have been nurtured in the faith, to the point where I’m on fire for the Lord and my life fully surrendered to Him, and I desire to be in His presence constantly. I’ve been blessed by becoming a member of a loving, close-knit community of believers who have prayed me through so many of life’s challenges, including when I suffered a massive stroke and into my ongoing recovery and rehabilitation. I’ve made enduring friendships, and grown tremendously as a person, in confidence by stepping out of my comfort zone and emboldened to   eventually become a bible study facilitator, an active member of the events team, planning BFA events, and even led others to the Lord, and testifying to His goodness. Through BFA, I’ve experienced the goodness and love of God so personally and powerfully. I’ve encountered the Lord at weekend encounters and retreats. The fragrance of the Lord pervades my home. I was baptized thanks to BFA. This ministry is filled with women of faith, who welcome all seeking the Lord, with open hearts and arms. I’m so blessed every day to be a member.     The ministry has embraced friends of mine at events, in bible studies as they live out God’s love         My sisters in Christ have rejoiced with me in my triumphs, cried with me in my trials and shone the light and love of God on me from I joined.

Hilary Wehby

I have always longed to be able to clearly discern the voice of God. So when I received an email from BFA that they would be conducting a study on Hearing God’s Voice, I knew this was my answer to prayers and didn’t hesitate to sign up. I thoroughly enjoyed each session of the study which didn’t only sharpen my ability to hear God’s voice but inspired me to delve deeper in my relationship with the Lord. The interaction between the participants during the study was always uplifting and our leader Cathy was very encouraging and challenged us to push beyond our limits/comfort zone. My husband even remarked that he saw the positive influence the study was having on me. I am forever grateful for BFA and the life-changing blessing they have been to me and would encourage anyone interested not to hesitate to sign up for their bible studies. You won’t regret it.

Anne Bingham

I can still recall the day I received the email from BFA inviting me to take an online course with them. It was at the start of the pandemic and I thought… I finally have time as things are slowing down at church, so…why not? The course I chose was “Hearing God” – one of the best decisions I’ve made.

If you are a new or seasoned believer, “Hearing God” is a must! It reinforced what I already knew and also challenged me to go even deeper with God. I could identify with and apply the teachings immediately to my life and it reignited my passion for God and His Word in a season of constant news of despair.

The interaction within the group was powerful. I truly experienced “iron sharpening iron” as I listened and interacted with the other ladies over the Word of God.

I knew I couldn’t keep all that I had gained from this course to myself. As soon as it was complete, I introduced it to my church. Since then, Hearing God has been taught in both our general and our Man of God study groups and I’ve had the joy of watching my church family become reignited as well.

Hearing God is the kind of course, that even if you have taken it once… I recommend you take it again! There is so much life giving Word to be gained.

Pastor Trudy Tucker


Flight Crew

Catherine Radlein

Catherine Radlein

Founder & Visionary
Glenna Mattar

Glenna Mattar

Oversight of Courses for development of Spiritual Growth
Nichola Dickson

Carmen Nichola Dickson

Healing & Deliverance/Miracle Centre
Lisa Russell

Lisa Russell

Oversight of Special Projects & Media
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