Prophetic Words over Jamaica

JAMAICA – A nation set apart – a place of refuge where my people could enjoy my creation – where many souls could be refreshed and recharged.  A place where people could be healed and made whole.  Jamaica contains a rich deposit of my resources that is intended to be a blessing to other people and nations,.  The original DNA of my Jamaican is one of the gift of hospitality and to be carriers of MY HEART that gives.  The enemy has marred this nation with the opposite demonic spirits by bringing the principality of death, victimization, rape and piracy…..

Released by Catherine Radlein (Jan 30, 2021)

Jamaica I am preparing you to bring forth a new move of my Spirit upon you, I will release a new sound of worship from your land that will cross seas, borders and boundaries. This new sound will be a new freedom song that will bring deliverance and sever the hold of the enemy over those that receive it. You will blaze a trail across the Caribbean that will set it alight by my Spirit.

Jamaica, where your history was bound in slavery, and you were liberated once – so shall you be liberated again. Where you have felt that you were free, this has been a false freedom – for you have become enslaved in addiction, greed and fear for the future. Even your very shores are being sold off to the highest bidder, and you are in danger of losing the identity of who you are. Your land is once again under threat from those that have no claim upon it.

But know that I am calling forth a new wave of worshippers, that will worship me in Spirit and in truth. They will be raw and real. They will not sing the songs of the Western church, or the old hymns that are favoured in your small-town gatherings. For they have the drum beat of my heartbeat within them. As they beat their drums to the beat of my heart I will put within their mouths a new sound that will change spiritual atmospheres and overthrow strongholds. The call to them has already gone out – and they will begin to emerge in the remaining months of this year.

The new sound that they release will bring deliverance to many – the church must be prepared to welcome them in. This will not be neat and tidy, but will be messy and wild – and I am calling upon my Church to make space and welcome them in. Free yourselves from prejudice and pride, and partner with what my Spirit is doing. Ready yourselves to steward deliverances, that will happen as my heartbeat is released in sound upon the land.

You will see an explosion of ecstatic prophecy, dreams and visions as people become free and open to hearing my voice – I will not hold back. Do not hold me back. For my Spirit has been hovering over Jamaica, and I am now preparing to break out. This drumbeat will shake the foundations of the land that have been built upon the oppression of the people through slavery and poverty. Intercessors arise – steward and direct this worship to break the foundations of the culture that have so enslaved the people. Be purposeful in your declarations and decree that freedom is the destiny of Jamaica. The spiritual weight that these decrees hold will be a heavy expression of my glory manifesting upon the land – bringing a renewed favour upon ethical business. I will open doors in the business world that had previously been closed, and prosperity will gain momentum amongst those that are yielded and submitted to the values of my Kingdom. The smaller gains will be immediate, but if my people remain faithful to my Word, within two years there will be a marked reduction in the poverty rate of the country.

As the spiritual freedom impacts the nation, so it will also impact the political atmosphere – people in power will become intrigued with what is happening in Jamaica. I will open doors for meetings between the church and the politicians. Church – you must not compromise yourselves in these times, stand firm in the freedom and wildness of what my Spirit is doing, do not sanitize it to make it more ‘appropriate.’ You must hold your fear of Me over your fear of man. For if you hold true to what I am doing, so these politicians will be convicted by my Spirit and you will see positive change in the political arena. I will expose a Jezebel spirit amongst them that can no longer hide when faced with the saturation of my glory. For the Church submitted to Me – continuously seek wisdom in managing your position in this and I will give you strategies that will break poverty and see great provision for the neediest in the nation.

  1. I decree a new move of the Spirit that will liberate captives and bring freedom.
  2. I decree that a new wave of worshippers will be called forth, who will release a new sound to shift the spiritual atmosphere.
  3. I decree that demons will flee and strongholds will be torn down as the sound of fresh worship is released.
  4. I decree a boldness for the church to steward and release the work of the Spirit.
  5. I decree that the foundations built upon slavery and poverty will be shaken as freedom breaks out.
  6. I decree that there will be an outpouring of prophecy, dreams and visions in Jamaica.
  7. I decree that the spiritual atmosphere will shift the political atmosphere.
  8. I decree that prosperity will come via ethical business.
  9. I decree an end to poverty and a release of provision.

Joel 2:18-32
John 4:23-24

Released by Lara Jefferies (Jun 27, 2023)