Our Story

We represent the heart of our Father by operating as a centralized hub that teaches, trains, equips and mobilizes people for impact in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

Brief Overview

One June night, God was searching for someone to fulfill His purpose. The individual He had in mind had a heart to help women encounter Jesus Christ and develop a daily walk with the Lord but needed a little nudge. Add to that a splash of obedience, a handful of women and like that, God’s call and Catherine Radlein’s desire collided. Women began reaching other women to bring spiritual wholeness and fulfill God’s destiny for their lives through Beauty for Ashes Ministries in Kingston, Jamaica.

Enlarging the Vision

God’s instructions were clear and had been written centuries before…

“To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:2-3) 

Looking Ahead

Providentially, the ministry was incorporated in Jamaica as a Non-Profit Organisation under the name BFA Ministries Limited. As God gave instructions to enlarge His territory, global alliances would be formed and men would come alongside God’s restored women to fulfill His purposes.

Our Mission

BFA (Building Foundations for Advancement) Ministries is an apostolic-prophetic movement that facilitates reconciliation, rebuilds foundations, empowers lives and creates Kingdom legacy for the transformation of nations.

Our Vision

We represent the heart of our Father by operating as a centralized hub that teaches, trains, equips, activates and mobilizes people for impact in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

Reconciliation Healing Liberty Restoration

 From June 2005 to December 2017 women brought the good news of reconciliation, healing, liberty and restoration to other women through weekly bible studies in homes, prayer meetings, special events and weekend retreats. One by one, as the women tasted and saw that God was indeed good, they began to hunger for more and caught a glimpse of an expanded vision.

Our Core Values

1. To be dependent on, sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of  God.” (Romans 8:14). “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in Him, bears much fruit, for without  me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5). 

2. To create a safe atmosphere of humility, authenticity and honour where God’s love is demonstrated and experienced.

“And may the  Lord increase your love until it overflows toward one another and for all people, just as our live overflows toward you.” (1 Thess 3:12)

3. To disciple, equip, activate and release into purpose and destiny.

 “And He has appointed some with grace to be Apostles, and some  with grace to be Prophets, and some with grace to be Evangelists, and some with grace to be Pastors, and some with grace to  be Teachers. And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they  do this they will enlarge and build up the Body of Christ." (Eph 4:11-13)

4. To build God-directed alliances for a legacy of Kingdom impact.

“There are diversities of ministries but the same Lord. And there are differences of ministries but the same Lord. And there  are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works in all…  “For in fact the body is not one member, but many.” (1 Cor. 12:4-6; 14)

Our Leadership Team

Catherine Radlein

Founder & Visionary

Have you ever heard cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles? Like a true baker, with a dash of hope, a sprinkle of faith and a dollop of love, fine cupcakes our Cathy did make. As the founder and visionary of Beauty for Ashes Ministries, she is dedicated to building the Kingdom of God by exercising her passion to see people trained, equipped and released into their calling and fulfilling destiny in their lives.

Catherine finds joy in helping to bring wholeness and healing to the body of Christ. Her energy and spirit are vivacious, causing others to be set on fire for the Lord. She carries the anointing of a Prophet, having been trained at Christian International Ministries and commissioned as an Apostolic Prophet by Global Spheres International in Corinth, Texas. Catherine and her husband, David, are healing and deliverance ministers with Restoring the Foundations (RTF) and are members of the Healing House Network internationally.

She is also an entrepreneur, an interior designer, wife and mother of two adult daughters. Speaking with her is like talking to your oldest friend and it is for this reason, she is able to speak life over many – people, businesses and nations. “And I will be to her a wall of fire all around,” declares The Lord, “and I will be the glory in her midst.” (Zech 2:5).

Glenna Mattar

Oversight of Courses for development of Spiritual Growth

Glenna is a nurturer by nature and has a heart to set the captives free by rooting them in the Word of God and equipping them with godly principles for Kingdom impact. She is sure footed and agile like the hind and always willing to lend a helping hand. Like the Watchman who stands guard at his post she watches over disciples of the Kingdom. She is a connoisseur of all things spiritual with a desire to see the evolution of social work through the influence of corporate entities. She is a businesswoman, wife, mother to three adult children and sounding board to countless others. “He will make my feet like hind’s feet, And he will make me walk on high Hills.” (Habb 3:17-19)

Nichola Dickson

Healing & Deliverance/Miracle Centre

Nicky has a pioneering spirit and is proficient in sending forth sharp cutting words like a double-edged sword. She loves to see freedom and deliverance come to the Body of Christ, is a Glory Carrier and instrumental to spiritual house-cleaning. As a healing minister, the Lord has gifted her with great compassion and love to those He sends for freedom in the ministry room, allowing them to feel comfortable, let down their guard, and entrust themselves to HOLY SPIRIT for HIM to set them free. She is a domestic engineer, wife and mother to three adult children. “You are my battle-axe and weapon of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms.” (Jer 51:20)

Lisa Russell

Oversight of Special Projects & Media

Lisa is a Deborah possessing the ability to render judgment in both the spiritual realm and marketplace. She enjoys working with others to achieve peace and harmony in all circumstances. She desires to see family as God intended restored. Her easy-going nature makes her relatable and apt for legacy building. As a torch bearer and scribe she is a prophetic voice to the next generation. “Ask me to give you the nations and I will do it, and they shall become your legacy. Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth. And you will shepherd them with unlimited authority, crushing their rebellion as an iron rod smashes jars of clay!’” (Ps 2:8-9)

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