Pastor Trudy Tucker – Hearing God Course

I can still recall the day I received the email from BFA inviting me to take an online course with them. It was at the start of the pandemic and I thought… I finally have time as things are slowing down at church, so…why not? The course I chose was “Hearing God” – one of the best decisions I’ve made. If you are a new or seasoned believer, “Hearing God” is a must! It reinforced what I already knew and also challenged me to go even deeper with God. I could identify with and apply the teachings immediately to my life and it reignited my passion for God and His Word in a season of constant news of despair. The interaction within the group was powerful. I truly experienced “iron sharpening iron” as I listened and interacted with the other ladies over the Word of God. I knew I couldn’t keep all that I had gained from this course to myself. As soon as it was complete, I introduced it to my church. Since then, Hearing God has been taught in both our general and our Man of God study groups and I’ve had the joy of watching my church family become reignited as well. Hearing God is the kind of course, that even if you have taken it once… I recommend you take it again! There is so much life giving Word to be gained.

Pastor Trudy Tucker

Family Word and Worship Church