Pat Sinclair – Pursuing  Godly Counsel

Over the past few years, life bowled me a curved ball that I just could not anticipate. I struggled to keep it all together, until I recognized that it was totally out of my control and that I would continue to flounder, in the absence of strong spiritual support  and  godly counsel. I had the support of good friends and my  faithful prayer partner to assist me in regaining my equilibrium, but I needed something more. This life-altering experience made me question my Christian faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ – a relationship that commenced when I was a teenager. So why should I doubt, that God would see me through. He had taken me through difficult situations before and surely, He could do it again. 

My daughter realizing the dilemma I was going through, gently suggested that I make contact with the Ministers involved in Restoring the Foundation Ministry, which is prayer based and promotes an integrated approach to biblical healing. This was later supported by a friend who knew their ministry and recommended them highly. After months of resisting making contact with Nichola Dickson, affectionately known as Nicky, one of the Ministers, I garnered the strength to start a journey with both Nicky and Catherine Radlein  (Cathy), Ministers under the anointing of the Holy Spirit who counseled and guided me through the Word of God. 

These sessions were sensitively handled by both Ministers and a very structured approach was adopted to address uncomfortable but critical issues, to include: generational sins, ungodly beliefs, soul-spirit hurts and demonic oppression. This encounter provided the  spiritual guidance necessary to enter into a better understanding of how the past (generational) influences, impact the present and how to experience freedom in Christ, based on an understanding of God’s Word. The reinforcement of this truth is what I needed at the time to renew my mind and redirect my focus on Jesus Christ, my provider and protector and not on my circumstances.  The same God who  assured and promised Joshua to: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…….I will never leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31: 6), is the same God who assured me of His promise. 

On reflection, I am happy that I pursued  godly counsel with two experienced  Ministers who facilitated a process by which I could gain clarity, under the direction of the Holy Spirit. I am better equipped with the tools to confront negative feelings such as  resentment and unforgiveness. In faith, I daily surrender to His calling and direction and this I know with confidence: ”And we know that in all things, God  works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8: 28). To God be the glory.